Thursday, November 11, 2021

Dear Friend - Love Doesn't Live Here Anymore

  Dear Friend,

We had a season of loving embrace, warm mornings and cool summer nights. We found laughter and pain together, holding each other through it all. Our hearts touched, melting into hope for a bright future.

Like a fading photograph, time passed and you started looking away more often than you looked toward me. I held onto hope, held onto the memories of kinder times. We forgot how to gaze into each other's soul, we forgot what it meant to live in the moment. But love doesn't live here anymore.

Love died with a shutter of release, a final breath, leaving an empty space filled with sorrow. The bond was broken in that moment, with the passing of a cherished soul. We wept with grief, side by side and still worlds apart. 

Love doesn't live here anymore, it was packed away with the worn out clothes and broken toys from a happier time. The future will find us unpacking those forgotten boxes, and reminiscing about the memories we created together.

We sit in silence, holding space for no one, the time to return has past. You can't see me, I can't feel you. Love doesn't live here anymore.