Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dear Friend: Broken

Dear Friend,

My Friend, you are so beautifully broken. 

All your pieces bent and twisted, a mosaic of life carved out of sorrow and regret. Shattered and destroyed so deeply by your past, your future seems lonely and love forsaken. I see your injured soul, your frightened determination to keep out the demons of bygone mistakes.

The fear and mistrust keep you from experiencing the love you can have, just a breath away. I see your yearning, the bitter taste of past disappointment keeping you locked away in the dungeon of your own creation. You don't realize the chains that bind you are made of misunderstandings and regret.

You are so beautifully broken, like a stained glass masterpiece created from the splintered shards discarded after an unspoken promise is shattered. Standing alone in your pain, no one allowed close enough to touch your essence.

Time and again life has tossed you into the waves of despair and you have drowned without a safe haven. I feel your desolation, trapping you beneath a sea of sorrow.
Pause a moment my broken friend, breathe in and feed your heart and soul with an unending acceptance of you - as you are. 

Breathe, trust and step into a beautiful tomorrow.