Thursday, November 11, 2021

Dear Friend - Love Doesn't Live Here Anymore

  Dear Friend,

We had a season of loving embrace, warm mornings and cool summer nights. We found laughter and pain together, holding each other through it all. Our hearts touched, melting into hope for a bright future.

Like a fading photograph, time passed and you started looking away more often than you looked toward me. I held onto hope, held onto the memories of kinder times. We forgot how to gaze into each other's soul, we forgot what it meant to live in the moment. But love doesn't live here anymore.

Love died with a shutter of release, a final breath, leaving an empty space filled with sorrow. The bond was broken in that moment, with the passing of a cherished soul. We wept with grief, side by side and still worlds apart. 

Love doesn't live here anymore, it was packed away with the worn out clothes and broken toys from a happier time. The future will find us unpacking those forgotten boxes, and reminiscing about the memories we created together.

We sit in silence, holding space for no one, the time to return has past. You can't see me, I can't feel you. Love doesn't live here anymore.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dear Friend: The Gift

Dear Friend,

The gift came without asking, taking me by surprise. I found myself reflected back in your eyes, trusting myself to believe.

I stand strong while accepting a vulnerability I haven't allowed before. I believe in myself again, calm in the eye of the storm knowing I can survive any possible future.

I am now capable of loving unconditionally and letting go when it's time. I never thought I could hold space for another without fear of losing myself. You gave me a safe place to love you quickly and fully while keeping my boundaries in view.

You gave me the gift of your honesty, openness, the raw passion of being. Though our time is fleeting and soon to be a fading memory, the gift of seeing myself through you will endure forever.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dear Friend: Make Room

Dear Friend,

Make room. Make room in your life for happiness, laughter and joy. Make room to feel sorrow, and the ability to let it go when you are ready. Make room for what you need, what you want, what you desire.

 My friend, I know it has been too long since you have taken care of yourself, you are always there for others first. You pride yourself on being the strong one, on being the best friend/family member you can be. Others have always leaned on you, even when you were struggling to stand up tall. You knew you could carry the burden, you could handle the pain.

Make room for someone to share your trials, tribulations and most of all your happiness. When you have shut everyone out for so long, it can seem impossible to change those habits that feel hardened into stone.

You have put aside your dreams and desires despite the sacrifice necessary to keep your happiness at bay. You
have paid the price in lost friendships, broken romance, and forgotten opportunities. You tell yourself it's easier to keep your distance, you know how to stand alone. 

Make room to breath. You are afraid to clear out a space, afraid it will stay empty. Afraid the walls will echo, and the space will be filled with more pain.

Make room in your life for all of this. You are sad and heartbroken because you can't see your way to happiness, though it's simple. You  have so little time to yourself, so little time to regroup and recharge. You are afraid the time you have set aside will be gone, and you will spend it trying to please yet another person.

Make room my friend, you will find that you can fill it with whatever you want, even a resounding joy that has been missing in your song.

You yearn for that person you can lean on, who will catch you when you fall. Despite that, you push away those that would hold your hand in the night, wipe away your tears without judgment. You feel you cannot trust anyone but yourself, others have always let you down.

My friend, I am here to hold your hand, wipe away your tears, and stand strong by your side. You only need to ask.

Dear Friend: Come Back to Me

Dear Friend,

I wish you didn't have to go, I want to be selfish and keep you by my side until the next sunrise. We talked about the past and the future, as if we had all the time in the world. The end was here before the beginning took shape; leaving us yearning for more time, more touch, more breath.

The appetite of what we shared melts my heart. We gave our truth without remorse, our souls touched while our bodies entwined. Your being fit into mine with such ease and comfort, like it was meant to be. Our time together was filled with wonder and surprise like a unexpected gift from a stranger.

Come back to me when you are ready for a safe place to relax after braving all the world's pain. We will hold hands and talk about better times, those we shared together.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dear Friend: I Found God

Dear Friend,

I found God in the face of a lost child, searching for the truth in her Mother's voice. She listened closely and reached out to touch the hand that had slipped from hers.

I found God in the eyes of a homeless man, looking for comfort from the bitter cold. He wandered away wearing his coat like a robe of broken dreams.

I found God in the voice of a stranger. They told me a story of fear and loss overcome; they hid their sorrow behind a park bench for a beggar to find. 

I found God in my lover's arms. He caught me as I fell for him, pulling me into his chest where I could hear his heart beating.

I found God in the cry of a hawk searching for it's next prey. The world is for those that wish to grab ahold and take charge of their destiny.

I found God in my darkest hour.  He was here with me, keeping the space for me to heal and mend. 

I found God.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Dear Friend: Let Your Light Shine Through

Dear Friend,

Let your light shine through. Walk with dignity and pride, leaving a wake of kindness in your path. Your inner beauty is always there, glimmering like a star through the clouds. 

By sharing your grace you can influence others, creating a happier place with just a smile. You don't know how powerful you really are, though others can sense it from a distance. 

Shine with the love you carry in your heart, open your arms and share it. Can you feel it? You have such an impact on the world, creating a window into a future that sings with happiness.

There will be times when you need to recharge and return to solitude, that is a healthy way to create your own sacred space. Keep your center as you walk through the world, and others will follow. You don't need to do anything; be yourself. 

Let your light shine through my friend, bring grace, beauty and love into the world by just being you.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dear Friend: Remind Me

Dear Friend,

Remind me why I chose you, you played along with smiley faces and hand puppets made from dirty socks. I created a space for you, you filled it with darkness and empty promises.

Remind me why I gave you my heart though I wasn't sure you would keep it safe. When I broke free, I discovered you had kept it hidden behind the dresser as a souvenir of our time together.

Remind me why I said no. No more of your inconsistent attention, broken promises and shattered dreams. You hung your victories on the wall like trophies of battles won.

Remind me how I broke free from your iron grip, only to fall back into your clutches again and again. When I finally walked away, you cheerfully waved good bye as if I was only leaving the room.

Remind me why I cried for love lost, love never found. You shared a small part of your heart with me, but kept the best for yourself.

Now, I chose myself over you.
Remind me.......