Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dear Friend: Make Room

Dear Friend,

Make room. Make room in your life for happiness, laughter and joy. Make room to feel sorrow, and the ability to let it go when you are ready. Make room for what you need, what you want, what you desire.

 My friend, I know it has been too long since you have taken care of yourself, you are always there for others first. You pride yourself on being the strong one, on being the best friend/family member you can be. Others have always leaned on you, even when you were struggling to stand up tall. You knew you could carry the burden, you could handle the pain.

Make room for someone to share your trials, tribulations and most of all your happiness. When you have shut everyone out for so long, it can seem impossible to change those habits that feel hardened into stone.

You have put aside your dreams and desires despite the sacrifice necessary to keep your happiness at bay. You
have paid the price in lost friendships, broken romance, and forgotten opportunities. You tell yourself it's easier to keep your distance, you know how to stand alone. 

Make room to breath. You are afraid to clear out a space, afraid it will stay empty. Afraid the walls will echo, and the space will be filled with more pain.

Make room in your life for all of this. You are sad and heartbroken because you can't see your way to happiness, though it's simple. You  have so little time to yourself, so little time to regroup and recharge. You are afraid the time you have set aside will be gone, and you will spend it trying to please yet another person.

Make room my friend, you will find that you can fill it with whatever you want, even a resounding joy that has been missing in your song.

You yearn for that person you can lean on, who will catch you when you fall. Despite that, you push away those that would hold your hand in the night, wipe away your tears without judgment. You feel you cannot trust anyone but yourself, others have always let you down.

My friend, I am here to hold your hand, wipe away your tears, and stand strong by your side. You only need to ask.

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